In this post I will tell you the very best way to rank #1 in Google.
We should make a plunge.
Step #1: Make Your Content Noteworthy
A couple of years back, Google carried out a significant update to their algorithm called RankBrain.

RankBrain tracks how users interact with your website in the search results on Google.
Google will offer you a ranking boost if users enjoy your result.
If not, your ranks will fall like a stone.
Moreover, I’ve discovered via my own SEO research that the goal of every Google search is the same:
Actionable Information.
Consider this:
Nobody wants to read some random person’s opinion when they search for something on Google.
They choose strategies that they can employ straight away to address their issue.
And Google will take notice if you can provide that for them. and raise you a couple positions.
Step #2: Improve Your Bounce Rate
I carried out the largest ever study on search engine ranking criteria.
The fact that sites with a low bounce rate typically rank higher than those with a high bounce rate was one of our most intriguing discoveries.

As you may already be aware, a bounce occurs when a user sees your website before rapidly returning to the search results.
Additionally, if many visitors bounce off your site, Google will receive a clear signal that they don’t enjoy the content.
Like I said earlier, Google will detect if visitors aren’t enjoying your material and will lower your rankings.
Luckily, there is a quick fix to reduce bounce rates:
The Outcome, Proof & Preview Theory.
It is a strategy for content introduction that is intended to lower your bounce rate.
This is how it goes:
The outcome is first on the list.
The reader’s desired OUTCOME should be your first sentence in your introduction.
It’s time for the Proof now that you’ve captured their attention with the Outcome.
This is where you demonstrate your level of expertise.
The Preview should be used to conclude your introduction.
It’s simple to do this:
Simply show them a glimpse of what is to come in your content.
Step #3: Make use of external links
An SEO company in the UK conducted an investigation a few years ago to see whether linking to other websites enhanced Google rankings.
They discovered that externally linked pages consistently outperformed those that did not.
I always freely link to other authoritative websites in my content because of this.
For the record:
External links aren’t crucial, in my opinion.
However, every little amount counts.
…particularly when you’re vying for difficult-to-rank keywords.
Step #4: Make Use of Internal Links
It’s now time to build internal links that go to the page you intend to rank.
Alternatively put, link to your new post from other pages on your website.
Your post will receive link authority from those internal links, which will improve its positioning on Google.
Step #5: Include images, graphics, and other multimedia
Let’s say you had two different types of post.
Let’s refer to them as Blog Posts A and B.
And supposing the material in each was precisely the same… with one significant exception:
The appearance of Content A was terrible. And Content B made extensive use of lovely visuals.
Which article will be more successful?
Numerous industry studies support Content B.
In fact, a Sheffield University study revealed that individuals prioritize design when evaluating information. THEN they evaluate the textual material itself.

Google users will immediately leave your site if it is a huge, unsightly wall of text.
However, if your article includes a lot of pictures, graphs, visuals, graphics, multimedia and puzzles…
They’ll stay and read what you have to say.
Now let me draw your attention to something:
You don’t have to go bonkers and stuff every post full of images.
According to our analysis on the factors affecting search engine rankings, pages with JUST ONE image outranked pages without any images.

Therefore, using one image is far advantageous to using none at all.
Step #6: Improve Click Through Rate (CTR) By Optimizing Your Title Tag
As I previously said, Google is VERY interested in how users engage with your website.
Also, they are interested in seeing searchers click on your website.
Therefore, if more people than usual click on your website, Google is informed:
This content is actually what people are looking for. It must be moved to the top of the page!
Organic click-through rate (CTR) is the term for this. This is a criteria in SEO rankings that is getting more and more significant daily.
Therefore, you’re losing out on a huge amount of organic traffic if you don’t optimize your site for CTR.
I’ve only just begun investigating this.
Also, it appears that including the word “how to” in your title tag increases CTR.
Another option for your title is a number.
Numerous industry research, including this one, reveal that titles containing numbers receive more clicks than titles without numbers.

All of it boils down to that.
Step #7: Semantic SEO Content Optimization
You are already aware that your post needs to contain your chosen keyword a few times.
It’s not at all as difficult as it seems.
Semantic SEO basically refers to Google’s attempt to interpret the TOPIC of your page—rather than just specific keywords.
And all you have to do to benefit from semantic search engine optimization is to incorporate pertinent terms and phrases into your article.
The topic of your article is better understood by Google when you use these related words and phrases.
For illustration, suppose you recently posted an article about weight loss. And “Weight Loss Tips” is the primary keyword you used for that article.
Simply conduct a Google search using that keyword and any related keywords.

Next, look through the keywords under “Related Searches” on the first page.

Lastly, incorporate those keywords into your article.
Google Suggest is another option.
Google will provide you with suggestions when you enter your keyword.

Once more, include a few of them in your content to give Google a clearer idea of the nature of the content.
Step #8: Amass a Large Number of Comments on Your Posts
Do comments influence how well your article is ranked on Google?
Yes, of course.
As a matter of fact, a Google employee stated that comments can be a vital factor for rankings.

The issue is:
How can you encourage readers to leave comments on your blog posts?
Here are two suggestions that really work.
First, respond to each and every comment.
I’m surprised by the number of folks who lament that no one comments on their blog post.
…and then utterly neglect the little comments they receive.
Nevertheless, getting the conversation started with the first few comments is frequently the most difficult part.
This brings us to our next piece of advice:
Make a call to action at the end of your article.
Let’s be honest:
The vast majority of people’s conclusions are dull recaps of the post they’ve written.
This is not the kind of conclusion that would inspire someone to leave a comment.
Instead, I advise turning the entirety of your conclusion into a call-to-action that entices readers to leave comments.
Step #9: Make Use Of Click To Tweet Buttons
This is one of my preferred methods for increasing social shares and visitors.
In a moment, I’ll provide a detailed explanation of how Click to Tweet buttons actually work.
However, the main idea is to include a number of buttons to your article so that readers can tweet specific tactics from your article.
I should now draw attention to the following:
Likes on Facebook, Tweets, and Pinterest pins are definitely not used by Google as a primary ranking factor.

To put it another way, social media shares of your content won’t directly aid SEO.
However, social media shares can increase traffic to your blog post.
And the more visitors your website receives, the more likely it is that some of these people who visit will link to it.
You will see a boost in your rankings as a result of those links.
Now, let’s go over the step-by-step process for making click-to-tweet buttons.
Start by identifying a tip, technique, or phrase from your article that is valuable to share.
Next, create a click-to-tweet button using ClickToTweet.com. To generate a link that you may use, just type the desired tweet.

Lastly, insert those links into your post.
Alternately, you could simply make the links plain text.
It works both ways.
Therefore, when a user hit one of your “Click to Tweet” buttons, they are presented with a pre-written tweet that they can use to share that particular tactic with their followers.
I can assure you that this work fantastically.
Step #10: Use the Content Roadshow to Promote Your Post
Today, you must deliberately promote each piece of writing you post if you want to rank in Google.
The detailed procedure is as follows:
Begin by identifying individuals who have a genuine interest in the subject of your post.
By using Google, you can look up these persons.
Alternatively, make use of a tool like Buzzsumo.

You should then send these individuals an email to check whether they’re interested in reading your articles.
Truth be told, the majority of individuals are very pushy when they promote their post.
A two-step process is what I advise.
The response you receive to your first email serves as an indicator of person’s interest. By doing this, you avoid forcing a link in someone’s face.
Hello [Name]
I saw you posted one of my best-loved articles about [topic] recently.
Actually, I’m going to publish a [topic] post this week that I believe you’ll like.
Do you want me to notify you when it launches?
And after replying that they would like to view your stuff,
Next, provide them a link.
Once more, the purpose of the Content Roadshow is not to be an obnoxious jerk.
An aggressive jerkface is not liked by anyone.
Your objective should be to get people to see your post.
Persons who are specifically able to share it.
These are intelligent individuals, too. Your content will be shared if they enjoy it. Not even asking is necessary.
Bonus Step: Keep Your Content Up to Date
I used to produce a post, promote it, and then completely ignore it.
And I discovered that a lot of the information on my blog had become dated over time.
This out-of-date content was detrimental to both SEO and my readers.
When a visitor from Google arrived at my website and discovered that my content was out-of-date, they would immediately return to the search engine results to locate a content that was updated.
That is the reason I allot roughly one day every three months to examine and update my content.
A fresh coat of paint is all that my content occasionally requires.
In order to make the content more up to date, I’ll repair any broken links, add fresh screenshots, and rewrite some sections.
Over the course of the last year or so, I’ve implemented this a few times.
And I’ve discovered that these minor adjustments and updates aid in keeping my long-term search engine ranking steady.
However, a fresh coat of paint isn’t always enough. I need to completely revamp my content.